Our Beauties

Our Beauties
Alisha, Janessa, Camery, Savannah, and Shaylee

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Is it summer?

OK it was the first day in spring with tempuraters in the 70's and everyone thought I should set up the pool. Once again....Girls are crazy aren't they?

9th Grade Night Dance

Alisha had a great time at the dance. She is really making her Mom and dad feel old. Highschool is just months away. Woo Hooo!!!!

Happy Green Day

The girls wore green (even thier tounges)

Who's at the door?

I answered the door and guess who I found? Camery, Alisha, Kamryn and Janessa. They were standing there ready to go trick or treating, in March. Girls are so weird!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hurry up Spring

Is everyone as excited for spring we just can't wait to be outside. I have been taking a gardening class on Saturdays and I just can't wait to get growing some tomatoes. Spring has always been my favorite season. Maybe it has something to do with the kids playing outside, yeah!